The NRGCOACH basic and advanced training courses teach you the fundamentals of the holistic, progressive and applied NRGGUIDE Programs. You will become an expert in the field of children’s tennis.
To teach children’s tennis professionally, holistically and with a lot of fun – not an easy task, or is it?
We say yes. It can be done with the help of the NRGGUIDE Program, the progressive children’s tennis concept of NRGCOACH. The use of this holistic program means that in each lesson not only all four elements of the game of tennis (technique, tactics, psychology and physique) are taught, but children are also develop in the areas of self and social skills. Feedback from parents confirms that these areas are particularly valuable for their offspring. Clearly defined structures and program content help the children to make progress in an age-appropriate, step-by-step and enjoyable way.
You will see how children learn to play tennis with joy, how they progress quickly with a well-thought-out and methodically advanced concept.
NRGGUIDE RED Basic Level – 1 day
The participants learn the basics of the NRGGUIDE RED Program in a learning by doing environment on a full day. We go through all the progression steps and the key points and show you all the exercises on court. You will be part of a complete 90-minute lesson with kids.
NRGGUIDE ORANGE Basic Level – 1 day
The participants learn the basics of the NRGGUIDE ORANGE Program in a learning by doing environment on a full day. We go through all the progression steps and the key points and show you all the exercises on court. You will be part of a complete 90-minute lesson with kids.
NRGGUIDE RED Advanced Level – 1 day
The participants learn the complete understanding of the NRGGUIDE RED Program by learning to implement all the progression steps of the Bronze, Silver and Gold course to determine which course a child has to attend according to the requirements of the NRGGUIDE RED Program.
NRGGUIDE ORANGE Advanced Level – 1 day
Part 2 – The participants learn the complete understanding of the NRGGUIDE ORANGE Program by learning to implement all the progression steps of the Bronze, Silver and Gold course to determine which course a child has to attend according to the requirements of the NRGGUIDE ORANGE Program.
NRGGUIDE Program Expert Level – 2 days
The participants learn based on the understanding and completion of the Adanced Level to organize a complete program implementing the principles of the NRGCONCEPT.
The participants learn the basics of team leadership and are introduced to “The Qualities of a Teamplayer” by John C. Maxwell. With the understanding of that part of the training, the participants can build a team to run a large program.
The participants learn the psychological development stages of children. They have to make a presentation to learn and work on their appearance and presence.